Romualdas Lankauskas

Romualdas Lankauskas (born 3 April 1932 Klaipėda) is a Lithuanian writer, playwright and painter.[1]



In 1950–1953, he studied Russian languages and literature at Vilnius University. In 1952–1953, and in 1959–1960, 1973 he worked as an editor, in 1978–1979 he was a Painter decorator. In 1989, he managed the Lithuanian PEN Centre.


In the early period, wrote a story book for children. Lithuanian prose novels created a concise model, it is added to the city, intelligence issues. Oeuvre is dominated by ethical psychological problems inherent in the laconic style. Lithuanian prose created a new intelligentsia Tipaza: he educated, has a distinctive lifestyle and opposed the communication and the spirit of collectivism. Characters are going through the poetic nature and the environment, routine conflict. Twentieth century seventh decade of Lithuanian novels adapted restrained manner of storytelling, songs symmetry of silence, pauses, implications.

He translated Hemingway, R. Bredberis works.[2] He painted (since 1961), landscapes, abstract compositions, organized several exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad, the formats of their books. His works translated into 10 languages of the peoples of Europe.[3]




See also


  1. ^
  2. ^
  3. ^ Jūratė Sprindytė. "Romualdas Lankauskas". Visuotinė lietuvių enciklopedija, T. XI (Kremacija-Lenzo taisyklė). V.: Mokslo ir enciklopedijų leidybos institutas, 2007, 503 psl.

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